
Weekly news roundup Episodes
Feb 6

Esta semana no The Frame: a Câmara Municipal continua a abordar a Lei das Comunidades MBTA após o estado de conformidade condicional de Framingham ter sido concedido pelo estado, a Câmara de Comércio MetroWest realiza a sua recepção aos legisladores locais, e um destaque na Century Chinese Language School e na sua gala anual do Ano Novo Chinês.

Feb 6

This week on The Frame: the City Council continues to address the MBTA Communities Act following Framingham’s conditional compliance status being granted by the state, the MetroWest Chamber of Commerce holds its reception for local legislators, and a highlight on the Century Chinese Language School and their annual Chinese New Year gala.

Jan 31

Esta semana no The Frame: o prefeito Sisitsky faz seu discurso anual sobre o estado da cidade, Geoffrey Epstein explica por que está entrando na corrida para prefeito em 2025 e analisa quais ações estão sendo tomadas localmente para enfrentar as mudanças climáticas.

Jan 30

This week on The Frame: Mayor Sisitsky gives his annual State of the City address, Geoffrey Epstein explains why he’s entering the race for mayor in 2025, and a dive into what actions are being taken locally to address climate change.

other News

The mayor highlighted local accomplishments and future challenges during his annual State of the City address on Monday.

The former School Committee member highlighted education, infrastructure, and environmental protection as some pillars of his upcoming campaign.

In December, Mayor Sisitsky submitted the downtown Central Business district to Massachusetts officials for consideration to satisfy the zoning law's requirements.

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