
Weekly news roundup Episodes
Jan 16

Esta semana no The Frame: os membros do Conselho Municipal ouvem mais detalhes sobre o novo Programa de Eletricidade Comunitária, os números de matrículas em escolas públicas locais sofrem uma ligeira queda e um mergulho na história do trio de edifícios significativos do Framingham History Center.

Jan 16

This week on The Frame: City Council members hear more details on the new Community Electricity Program, local public school enrollment numbers take a slight dip, and a dive into the story of the Framingham History Center’s trio of significant buildings.

Jan 9

Esta semana no The Frame: o Finance Subcommittee ouve as mudanças propostas para as classificações e compensações de funcionários municipais, subsídios estaduais estão prontos para impulsionar programas de faculdade antecipada na Framingham State University e no Massachusetts Bay Community College, e uma revisão dos eventos recentes na State House: a nova bandeira de Framingham está pronta para ser exibida em Beacon Hill, enquanto o estado recebeu o controle de um prédio no centro da cidade para abrir caminho para um novo centro regional de justiça.

Jan 9

This week on The Frame: the Finance Subcommittee listens to proposed changes to municipal employee classifications and compensation, state grants are set to boost early college programs at Framingham State University and Massachusetts Bay Community College, and a review of recent events at the State House: Framingham's new flag is set to be displayed on Beacon Hill, while the state has been given control of a downtown building to pave the way for a new regional justice center.

other News

A multi-million dollar federal grant will aim to add onto Eversource’s first-in-the-nation system for heating and cooling.

Framingham school officials have asked legislators to back a five-year contract for 72 vehicles in order to facilitate an in-house bus driver system.

As Framingham continues to deal with a bus driver shortage, the City Council and School Committee have been asked to green light a five-year, lease-to-own agreement for 72 vehicles.

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The mission of Access Framingham is to engage, serve, and enrich the community by developing programming by and for the people of Framingham, providing educational opportunities, and facilitating the exchange of ideas and information through traditional and new media.

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